How to save the amount of adhesive for FRP strengthening?

When strengthening with FRP(fiber reinforced polymer composite), we should must to ensure good results, and also save cost. What should we do?

2018-09-06 16:26:06

Concrete beams strengthened with FRP wrap

FRP wrap has been widely used to repair and reinforce concrete structures in recent years because of its high strength-weight ratio, corrosion resistance and easy construction.

2020-04-02 16:46:22

Introduction of new technology for FRP strengthening

FRP composite strengthening includes two types: carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) fabric and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) strip. Compared with traditional reinforced concrete or steel-bonded concrete, carbon fiber has the advantages of space saving, simple construction, no need for site fixing facilities, easy construction quality assurance, no increase in structural size and weight, corrosion resistance and good durability.

2020-05-28 09:36:55

The slab capacity is insufficient, how to strengthen

The slab capacity is insufficient, how to strengthen? Strengthening with carbon fiber fabric and bonded steel plate

2020-04-01 16:42:43

Structural strengthening method for beam, column, slab

Common structural strengthening methods for beam, column, slab: sticking steel plate, bonded FRP composite materials, post installed anchoring, enlarged section.

2020-04-01 16:46:02

Seismic strengthening technology

The bonded carbon fiber reinforcement method refers to the bonding of carbon fiber sheets on the surface of concrete members with adhesive, giving full play to the tensile strength of carbon fiber, replacing steel bar. It is mainly used for strengthening the flexural capacity and shear capacity of concrete members.

2020-04-01 16:47:05

Problems and solutions of structural strengthening

Solutions of structural strengthening: externally bonded carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) wrap, post installed anchoring, externally bonded steel plate.

2020-04-01 17:03:38

CFRP is frequently used for structrengthening in India

Why carbon fiber fabric is frequently used for structrengthening in India?Design, civil engineer, building standards, software, economic development

2020-03-30 14:21:59

Factors affecting the scheme of bridge strengthening

Combined with the characteristics and technical requirements of bridge reinforcement, the factors that affect the selection of bridge reinforcement schemes can be summarized as follows.

2020-03-30 14:21:09

Structural strengthening are different from the new construction

The structural strengthening works are aimed at the existing projects, which are subject to objective conditions, and reinforce the design and construction according to the existing conditions.

2018-07-16 15:52:06